Learn how to manage, report, and edit your donations on GiveGab
Can I create custom URLs to track my donor conversion rates?Absolutely! Create custom URLs using UTM Parameters to easily see which links you share are generating the most donations.
What is the Time Zone in My Donation Report?By keeping all of the times in UTC, reconciliation can be made a lot easier!
What happens if a donor disputes a donation made to my organization?Details about how GiveGab handles charge disputes for donations made through our platform.
Where can I see the refunds my organization has issued?With the financials page, you can review all refunds that your organization has issued.
Can I receive my donations by check?Learn how you receive your donations.
How do I see which donations were included in a specific deposit?View the payouts for your organization and what donations went into each of them.
Can I collect donations through PayPal?Set up your organization to quickly and easily receive your donations on GiveGab
How do I attest that my organization is compliant with applicable state fundraising laws?Every organization fundraising on GiveGab needs to attest they are compliant with all state fundraising laws. Learn how to attest here.
How can I download a report of my organization's donations?Export a CSV file of all your donor and donation data on GiveGab
How do I resend a donor their donation receipt?Reproduce a thank you email and donation receipt for anyone who has donated to your organization through GiveGab
How do I read my Donation Report?Learn how to understand the information in your donations CSV
What portion of a donation made on GiveGab is tax deductible?Recognizing your donor's gift amount on GiveGab
How to Import a Report into Google SheetsLearn how to import your report into Google Sheets
How can I edit how a donation is displayed?Learn how to customize how a donor's donation is displayed publicly
How do I make a donation anonymous as a nonprofit administrator?Learn how to turn a donation anonymous for your donors
How do I edit or remove a donation message or comment?Learn how to edit or remove a message or comment left by a donor
How do I edit an offline donation?Changing or re-allocating a cash or check donation
How do I move a donation to a fundraiser, fundraising team, or a different campaign?Learn how to easily move a donation to the appropriate P2P Fundraiser, Fundraising Team, or campaign for accurate reporting
What happens if a payout fails to my account?Details about how GiveGab ensures you receive your donation payouts.
How do I receive my donations?Learn how and when your donations will be received
How do I view the current bank account information for my organization?View the bank account and representative information currently associated with your organization's GiveGab account
How do I view the current Organization Representative for my organization?View the Organization Representative currently associated with your organization's GiveGab account.
What type of bank account can I use to accept donations?Type of account required to receive donation transfers