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What is the Time Zone in My Donation Report?

By keeping all of the times in UTC, reconciliation can be made a lot easier!

Gwendolyn Bobst avatar
Written by Gwendolyn Bobst
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Donation dates and times listed on your downloaded donation report are recorded in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). This is to better assist with your bank statement reconciliation processes.

What is UTC?

UTC is an abbreviation for Coordinated Universal Time, the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. It does not observe daylight saving time.

All time zones are based on UTC time.

Why are we using UTC for the donation report?

In October, 2016, our payment processor, Stripe, changed the time they processed payouts for all bank accounts to UTC. 

This change caused confusion within the donation report as the payout dates in the report did not match the payout dates in many nonprofit's bank accounts. Therefore, we decided to use UTC to more accurately represent the donation dates as they appear in Stripe.

How do I convert UTC to my timezone? 

Depending on your geographic region, converting UTC time to your own time zone will be different. Typically, UTC is 4 hours ahead of the Eastern time zone. In the Fall, it is 5 hours ahead of the Eastern time zone. This page here will help you find exactly what time your donation came in based on your time zone!

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