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How can I edit how a donation is displayed?

Learn how to customize how a donor's donation is displayed publicly

Gwendolyn Bobst avatar
Written by Gwendolyn Bobst
Updated over 5 months ago

Step 1: Navigate to Your Admin Dashboard

If your home page is not your Admin Dashboard, click on the drop down box at the bottom of the screen next to “Viewing Dashboard For” to view a list of organizations that you are an administrator for. Click on the name of your organization you’d like to access.

Step 2: Navigate to Your Donations Table

Click on “Reports” while in your Admin Dashboard to be taken to your organization’s donation records and information.

Step 3: Edit the Donation

From the "Reports" page, you'll see a small pencil icon on the row for the donation you wish to edit.

Note: You cannot edit offline donations that were generated from a match.

You will now see a page where you can edit the Display Name, the Donor's Message, and add attributes to individual campaigns, fundraisers or teams or make the donation amount or donor anonymous.  See the corresponding sections to learn what each option means in more detail.

a. Custom Display Name (optional): Here, you can edit the custom display name for a donor. For example, if a donor wished their donation to reflect them and their spouse, you can easily update that here.

b. Attribute to Campaign: With this option, you can attribute or disassociate a donation with a specific campaign. To dissociate a donation from any campaign, select "None" for this option.

c. Attribute to a Fundraiser or Team: With this option, you can update the peer-to-peer fundraiser or team that should be credited for a donation.

d. Attribute to a Business Fundraiser: Here, you can update the business fundraiser that should be associated with a donation.

e. Donor's Message: If any updates need to be made to a donor's message, you can edit it here.

f. Privacy Options: Here, you can make any changes to a donor's privacy options. Note: Ensure you have the donor's permission before displaying their name or amount publicly.

After you finish editing the donation form, click on the blue "Save" button at the bottom left to save your changes. Your donor's display information will be updated automatically!

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