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What happens if a payout fails to my account?

Details about how GiveGab ensures you receive your donation payouts.

Gwendolyn Bobst avatar
Written by Gwendolyn Bobst
Updated over 5 months ago

In order to collect donations on GiveGab, you are required to enter bank account information so you can receive payouts via direct deposit within 5 business days. Our payment processor, Stripe, does not verify the actual digits that are entered in the banking information fields, so if the information is entered incorrectly, the funds will not pay out.

If a payout to your account fails, you will be contacted by our Customer Success team to resolve this issue. Once you have connected with the team, we will explain the process to get your bank account information corrected.

To complete this process, an admin from your organization will be asked to re-enter the correct banking information directly into the platform. Do not send bank account information through email as it is not a secure method to transmit sensitive information.

Failed payouts may also occur if your organization has changed their bank account without updating their information in GiveGab, or if Stripe flags the account.

Once your bank account has been updated with the correct information, Stripe will retry your transfers automatically. We will also monitor your account to confirm the payout is successful and will contact your organization if anything further is needed.

If you have concerns that a payout may have failed to your account, contact our Payments Team at and we will be happy to look into it for you!

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