If you have followed the steps to fundraising verification on GiveGab, but your Donation Status still isn't verified, GiveGab's verification process may be having trouble verifying the information you entered. Follow these steps to troubleshoot your organization's fundraising verification.
Verify that you have entered your organization information correctly
Navigate to your Bank Account & Verification page and check that the information listed is precise and accurate.
Check that your EIN matches the number assigned by the IRS. The 9 digits should be entered without a dash.
Check that the business name matches the IRS records exactly. This includes any punctuation and symbols (&, -, !) and is case-sensitive.
Notice a mistake? Use the blue chat bubble or email payments@bonterratech.com right away so we can help you get verified.
Verify the organization representative information has been entered correctly
Ensure you have only entered the legal first and last name of your organization representative. Nicknames and middle names will not be verified.
Use the "Update Required Information" button to troubleshoot your verification status
This orange button will appear for organizations requiring additional information in order to get verified with Stripe, GiveGab's payment processor. When clicked, this button will bring you to a form hosted by Stripe so that the administrator can review and correct their information.
Try these steps once on Stripe's form:
If you have recently changed your first or last name (within the past 5 years), try entering your previous legal first and last name.
Re-enter the complete organization representative information, including the legal first and last name, their full social security number, and birthdate. Also ensure that the mailing address of the organization representative and phone number entered are up-to-date. The address entered for the organization representative must be a personal address.
Have another individual enter their information as the organization representative.
After submitting this information a second time, verification should only take a few minutes. If after one hour your donation status is not "Verified," we may need additional information. We also may ask that you provide us proof of your status as a tax-deductible organization.
In this case, please contact payments@bonterratech.com for next steps.
Note: Never submit your personal information to GiveGab through email or chat.
We will provide a secure uploader for you.
You can always check and interpret your organization's verification status by following the guidance here.