Become a Peer to Peer Fundraiser and share your love of your favorite cause with your friends and family
How to sign up to become a Free Agent Fundraiser (FAF) for your Giving DayLearn how to sign up to become a Free Agent Fundraiser.
How do I customize my Free Agent Fundraising page?Manage and customize your Free Agent Fundraising page from your Fundraising Dashboard
How do I log into my Free Agent Fundraiser dashboard?Learn how to login and navigate to your Free Agent Fundraiser dashboard!
How do I become a peer-to-peer fundraiser for a campaign or event?Create your own fundraising page to raise money for an organizaion by becoming a peer-to-peer fundraiser
How do I navigate to my peer-to-peer fundraising dashboard?Customize your fundraising page, thank you donors, update your goal, and more by navigating to your fundraising dashboard
How do I change my peer-to-peer fundraising goal?You can update your peer-to-peer fundraising goal at any time right from your fundraising dashboard
How do I customize my Peer-to-Peer Fundraising page?Manage and customize your peer-to-peer fundraising page from your P2P Fundraising Dashboard.
How do I thank my donors as a peer-to-peer fundraiser?Ensure your donors feel appreciated for their contribution by sending them a personalized thank you message
How do I find the link to my peer-to-peer fundraising page?Obtain the direct link to your fundraising page and share it with your network
How do I edit my peer-to-peer fundraising team?As a team captain, you have the power to edit your team's fundraising page
How do I thank my donors as a peer-to-peer fundraising team captain?As a team captain, you have access to the information needed to thank your donors, so it's your job to complete this crucial step
How do I join a peer-to-peer fundraising team?Be a part of a collaborative fundraising effort by joining a peer-to-peer fundraising team
How do I leave a peer-to-peer fundraising team?If you'd rather fundraise on your own, you have the option to leave your P2P fundraising team