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How do I customize my Free Agent Fundraising page?

Manage and customize your Free Agent Fundraising page from your Fundraising Dashboard

GiveGab Customer Success avatar
Written by GiveGab Customer Success
Updated over 7 months ago

As a Free Agent Fundraiser, you'll log in through where you'll be able to edit your Fundraiser Dashboard, which updates your Free Agent Fundraising page. Let's dive in!

Step 1: Getting to Your Fundraiser Dashboard

After logging in through, click on "Dashboard" under "Your Personal Fundraisers" from your personal dashboard:

Step 2: Adding Personalization with a Profile Picture

We'll dive into each tab of your Fundraiser Dashboard, but before we do, let's talk about that gray smiley that may appear on your dashboard.

To update the gray smiley to an image of yourself as your profile picture, you'll want to click on the gray smiley on your Fundraiser Dashboard. Here's what that looks like:

You'll be brought to your "Personal Settings" page, where you can upload and save your profile picture.

Step 3: Tell Your Story

Within the first tab of your Free Agent Fundraising Dashboard, you can tell the story of why you are a Free Agent Fundraiser for this organization! Here you can add your personal story, set a goal for yourself, upload a custom image, or even swap it out with a video link from YouTube or Vimeo.

If you have both a custom image and a video link entered in, only the video will appear on your profile.

Step 4: Make a Donation

Within the second tab of your Free Agent Fundraising Dashboard, you can add a seed donation to your campaign. Setting an example for other donors by donating shows you’re committed to the campaign so they should be too.

Step 5: Reach Out

Within the third tab of your Free Agent Fundraising Dashboard, you can send personalized emails in plain text to your friends and family asking for donations. You'll even have the option to upload your contacts from popular services such as Gmail or Yahoo Mail and send them an email right from this page!

Step 6: Share Socially

Within the fourth tab of your Free Agent Fundraising Dashboard, you can cast a wider net and share your page on Facebook, Twitter, or other Social Media sites with a direct link.

Step 7: Give Thanks

Within the final tab of your Free Agent Fundraising Dashboard is one of the most important steps you'll need to complete as a Free Agent Fundraiser - thanking your donors. Let your donors know how their contribution made an impact, by sending them an email right from this page or mark them as thanked if you showed your appreciation another way.

Step 8: Track Your Progress

To the right of your tabbed checklist is a progress box. Within this box you'll find a number of stats regarding your progress, a direct link to your Free Agent Fundraising page, and social share buttons. The first section is the progress made towards your fundraising goal, information about how many donors you have, how many emails you've sent, and how many days are left in your fundraisers.

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