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How do I add a "Give Again" message to my Giving Day profile?

Learn how to encourage past donors to give again through GiveGab's "Give a Little More" feature.

Katrina Grein-Topken avatar
Written by Katrina Grein-Topken
Updated over 5 months ago

Step 1: Navigate to your Admin Dashboard

If your home page is not your Admin Dashboard, click on the drop-down box at the bottom of the screen next to “Viewing Dashboard For” to view a list of organizations that you are an administrator for. Click on the name of the organization you’d like to access.

Step 2: Navigate to your Giving Day Dashboard

From the “Home” tab of your Admin Dashboard on, click on your Giving Day link from the Giving Day banner highlighted below.

Step 3: Add a 'Give Again' Message

On your Giving Day Dashboard, find the box that says "Add a 'Give Again' Message. Click the box to expand the options.

Step 4: Customize Your Message

  1. Add your 'Give Again' message: In under 250 characters, create a call-to-action for previous donors to give again. Consider sharing the impact their gift had last year and what impact their increased gift will have this year. (ex. "Your gift last year helped provide countless dogs with loving homes. Please consider sharing your gift with us again this year to continue sharing the love with local strays in our community.")

  2. Embed a video: Bring your "Give Again" message to life by including a special video message to returning donors. Enter the iFrame embeddable version of the video URL to include it with your message.

  3. Add an image: If you don't have a video to add, consider adding a special image to thank donors for their gift last year and to invite them to give a little more this year. Note: If both a video and image are added, only the video will appear.

  4. Save your work: When you finish customizing this part of your Giving Day profile, make sure you click "Save" to finalize your changes.

Please note: Not all Giving Days utilize "Give a Little More" in GiveGab. If you have questions about whether or not this is available for your giving day or any other questions about "Give a Little More", contact the host of your Giving Day.

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