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Registration Communication Samples

Here is some sample registration language you can use to formulate messaging for your Giving Day.

Katrina Grein-Topken avatar
Written by Katrina Grein-Topken
Updated over 4 months ago

Note: This article is written for Giving Day hosts. If you are a participant or supporter of a Giving Day, this article may not pertain to your efforts.

Each of the following can be found on the Partner Dashboard, in the sidebar under the dropdown section labeled "Manage Organizations." Please choose the page "Registration Setup," then go to the section titled "Registration Communications."

Registration Email Greeting

This copy is used in the registration confirmation email when approval is not required to participate in the Giving Day. This appears at the top of the registration confirmation email.

Email Copy

This copy is used when approval is required to participate in your Giving Day. The pending copy will be included in the initial registration email a group administrator receives. Administrators will receive an additional email with the status copy set below when an update is made to their approval status.

Below is an example of what an organization would receive when they complete their registration survey and are automatically placed in the "Pending" status.

Dashboard Copy

When organizations must be approved to participate, they also see a corresponding message on their Giving Day Dashboard with additional information about their approval status. Organizations will see their current status and associated copy on their giving day dashboard. Any changes to their status will be reflected on this dashboard.

Below is an example of what an organization would see on their dashboard once they complete the registration survey and are automatically placed in the "Pending" status.

To learn how to enter Registration Communications copy, check out this support article here.

For an explanation of the different approval statuses, check out this support article here.

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