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How do I preview the Thank You message for my Giving Day?

After your supporters make a contribution to your Giving Day campaign, they will receive an instantaneous receipt/Thank You Message.

Ariana Hardwick-Jones avatar
Written by Ariana Hardwick-Jones
Updated over a week ago

While you won't be able to preview your Thank You e-mail, unless you have made a donation, the screenshot below provides an example of a standard Giving Day donation Thank You e-mail, so you can see where your custom elements will fit in and how they will be displayed to your donors!

a. Giving Day Logo: The top of your donors' receipt/Thank You Message features the Giving Day logo.

b. Giving Day Thank You: Below the Giving Day logo, is a Thank You message from the Host of the Giving Day.

c. Your Custom Thank You: Below the Host's Thank You Message is your organization's Thank You Message and image or video.

d. Donation Disclaimer: A Donation Disclaimer field is located under the Add a 'Thank You' Message section of each Giving Day Dashboard. This functionality enables organizations that wish to include custom messaging on donation receipts the ability to do so. This text will display at the bottom of each donation receipt.

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