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How do I view my campaign analytics?

Once your campaign is up and running or complete, you'll be able to view detailed analytics that can learn more about your donors

Aja Hall avatar
Written by Aja Hall
Updated over a week ago

Step 1: Navigate To Your Admin Dashboard

If your home page is not your admin dashboard, click on the drop down box at the bottom of the screen next to “Viewing Dashboard For” to view a list of organizations that you are an administrator for. Click on the name of your organization you’d like to access.

Step 2: Navigate to Your Campaign Manager

From the "Fundraising Campaigns" Tab of your Admin Dashboard, click the "Manage" button within the campaign you're looking to access.

Step 3: View Your Campaign Analytics

After you click "Manage," you will automatically be brought to the Analytics Tab of your Campaign Manager. Here you'll find detailed data collected from your campaign. 

  1. Recent Donation Volume by Date: View your recent donations made to your campaign by date and amount.

  2. Total Donation Volume by Date: View the total gift volume over the entire duration of your fundraising campaign on GiveGab.

  3. Donors & Fees: See how many supporters have donated to your campaign and the percentage of supporters that opted to cover the fees on your behalf.

  4.  P2P Fundraisers: See how many P2P fundraisers donated and what percentage of the total donations were brought in by your fundraisers

  5. % Raised On/Outside of GiveGab: This represents the distribution between online and offline donations for your campaign

  6. Gift Acquisition: See your average gift size, new donors, and repeat donors on GiveGab.

  7. *Traffic Sources: Learn where your donors are finding your campaign so you know the best places to share it out.

These features are only available for organizations on our Boost premium plan. If you are interested in upgrading to this plan, set up a demo and chat with our Nonprofit Engagement Team, or view our pricing page here!

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