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How do I create a challenge for my fundraising campaign?

Motivate your campaign donors with a fundraising challenge

Katrina Grein-Topken avatar
Written by Katrina Grein-Topken
Updated over a week ago

Step 1: Navigate to your Admin Dashboard

If your home page is not your Admin Dashboard, click on the drop down box at the bottom of the screen next to “Viewing Dashboard For” to view a list of organizations that you are an administrator for. Click on the name of your organization you’d like to access.

Step 2: Navigate to your Fundraising Campaign Editor

From the “Fundraising Campaigns” tab of your Admin Dashboard, click the “Edit” button within the campaign you’re looking to access.

Step 3: Add Challenge Commitment

From your Fundraising Campaign Editor click "Matching" along the left menu. Then, switch to your "Challenges" tab and click "Add Challenge".

Step 4: Customize your Challenge

After clicking the "Add Challenge" button you will be taken to the form shown below where you can enter in the specific details of your challenge. 

1. Name Your Challenge

Here you'll want to add the name of your challenge as it will appear to donors. Think of this as the promotional name of your challenge - such as "Help Us Help More Pets!" or "Double The Dollars Challenge!"

2. Add Challenge Description (optional)

To give your supporters more detail about this specific challenge, you'll want to add a description. Here you can let your supporters know how their gift will be applied to the challenge, whether this is a "Dollar Challenge" or a "Donor Challenge," and any other info you want to include about this opportunity.

3. Set Challenge Unlock Amount

Here you'll want to enter the amount of funds that will be released to your organization once you have reached the challenge goal. For example, if your sponsor has agreed to donate $1,000 once you raise $3,000, enter 1000 here.

4. Add a Challenge Image

Add an image that represents your Challenge. If the sponsor of your challenge has a photo or logo that you/they would like to feature, you can upload that here to be displayed along with your match. 

This section is optional, but to add a photo, click "Select image" and then click "Apply" once you have adjusted it. Click "Save" to preserve your changes.

This image will show by default, so if your sponsor hopes to stay anonymous, make sure you don't include their logo in your Challenge.

5. Add Your Sponsor Name

This is the name of the sponsor for your challenge. By default, the Sponsor is kept anonymous to the public and will only show in your Donation Report for internal reporting purposes. If you would like for the sponsor's name to be public, you can click the checkbox to do so!

6. Add a Sponsor URL (optional)

If you would like to promote your sponsor and share a link to their website, you can add their website URL here. 

7. Display Sponsor Donor Name Publicly

If you would like for the sponsor's name to be public, you can click the checkbox to do so here!

8. Set Challenge Time Zone

Choose what time zone the challenge start and end times should appear in.

9. Set Challenge Start/End Times

Choose the time period during which your Challenge will be active. Make sure you set the appropriate time base don the time zone set in the previous step.

10. Choose Challenge Type

You can choose one of three Challenge types, which are explained below!

a. Dollar Challenge: A Dollar Challenge is fulfilled and an offline donation is created when a certain amount is raised.

b. Donor Challenge: A Donor Challenge is fulfilled and an offline donation is created when a certain number of unique donors have given.

c. Donation Challenge: A Donation Challenge is fulfilled and an offline donation is created when a certain number of qualifying donations have been made.

11. Choose Challenge Goal

Here you'll want to set the amount of funds or donors that will help your organization reach its goal for this specific challenge. For example, if your goal is $3,000, you'll enter 3000. If your goal is 500 donors, you'll enter 500. You do not need '$' or commas.

12. Archive Your Challenge

If you want to "hide" this challenge, you can "Archive" your challenge. This will stop the challenge from displaying on your fundraising campaign. However, this will not remove the donations from your campaign. 

Step 5: Save

Once you've completed this form, click "Save" to keep the changes you've made. From this page you can view, edit, or remove this challenge from your Campaign.

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