Week of April 27th:
Peer to peer fundraising toolkits should show the correct stats
Days of Giving:
Show correct stats for business fundraiser index page
Location-based search should pull back accurate results when a state isn't specified
Week of April 20th:
Project managers can now set custom start and end dates in the giving day partner dashboard
Improved stat calculations on the platform
Bank page should now surface message for a rejected account with reason for rejection from Stripe
Days of Giving:
Re-enable enterprise donation form backup
Match index page on the giving day should only show matches tied to the giving day
Remove amount from in honor of emails
Everyday Community Giving:
Last submitted date appears on the everyday dashboard
All tabs on a group profile should load even if there are no programs
Week of April 13th:
Added additional settings to the giving day partner dashboard for project managers
โDays of Giving:
Giving day matches should be tied to their respective giving day
Week of April 6th:
GiveGab groups using Enterprise will now show transaction codes in the donation report
Regular anonymous donor names show surface in the fundraiser toolkit to send a personal thank you message
The giving day partner dashboard single gift offline uploader will now load all support area campaigns for a group, not just twenty-five
Days of Giving:
Giving Day matches should be tied to their respective giving daysย
Stories for fundraiser pages should now match the styling of the story on their associated group page