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Product Updates: January

Highlighting product releases for January 2019

GiveGab Operations avatar
Written by GiveGab Operations
Updated over a week ago

Week of January 28th:


  • Improve Event Registration thank you message UI

  • Surface Business Fundraisers on user's personal dashboard

  • Added ability to edit survey answers for business fundraisers via the toolkit

  • Add fund number to giving day partner dashboard

  • Widget shows CTA to return to the giving day if donations are not open

Giving Days:

  • Added capability to add business fundraisers for the partner dashboard

  • Added new Donations columns to the CSV export

  • Giving Day widget for centrally routed days has button to direct donor to the giving day site

Week of January 20th:


  • Add Donation Settings for a Giving Day in the Partner Dashboard

  • Add more columns to the Donations Table in a Giving Day's Partner Dashboard

  • Improved UI for the Embeddable Donation Widget (dropdown selector)

  • Ability to set up an embeddable donation widget for Events 

  • Add Recaptcha V3 to the donation form

Days of Giving:

  • Premium Giving Days can support Business Fundraisers

Week of January 14th:


  • Admins can now add donation levels to Events on GiveGab

  • Admins now have the ability to set limits to registration types for Events

Days of Giving:

  • Donation receipts for single donations on a centrally routed day now contain the thank you message from both the Organization and the Giving Day

Week of January 7th:


  • Answers for "Are you a new donor to this organization?" can now be found in the Giving Day donations table, on the export of a group's donations table, and on the partner dashboard for a day of giving 

  • Remove weekly digest email from list serve 

Days of Giving: 

  • Added support for managing business fundraisers for premium days of giving 

  • Support for sending emails to In Memory Of/ In Honor Of recipients

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