Matches & Challenges are a brilliant way to incentive donors to make a greater impact by supporting your organization. By highlighting a dollar-for-dollar match or unlocking a challenge incentive during your Giving Day, you can elevate your success to new heights & create added excitement for your supporters in the process!
A 'Sponsor Match', or simply a 'Match', is a pool of funds donated from an individual or organization that is intended to be used to double the amount raised.
For example, ABC Corp. donated a $5,000 1 - to - 1 match to XYZ Nonprofit. XYZ Nonprofit will receive $1 from ABC Corp. for each $1 that is donated by supporters. XYZ Nonprofit can now promote this match from ABC Corp. as a chance for donors to double their impact: a $25 gift becomes a $50 gift, a $50 gift becomes $100, & so on.
On GiveGab, we refer to these gifts as auto-matched or unconditional gifts. Your nonprofit will receive $1 for each $1 donated, regardless if you raise the entire match or not.
Want to add a Match opportunity to your Giving Day campaign? Follow this step-by-step article!
A 'Challenge' is a gift that can be unlocked by meeting a goal. This goal can be set based on the total dollars given, total donors engaged, or total donations received.
1) Dollar Challenge
A Dollar Challenge is fulfilled & an offline donation is created when a certain amount is raised. Gamifying a Giving Day by leveraging challenge dollars can provide a strong incentive for your constituents to give to areas that they are passionate about.
2) Donor Challenge
A Donor Challenge is fulfilled & an offline donation is created when a certain number of unique donors have made a donation.
3) Donation Challenge
A Donation Challenge is fulfilled & an offline donation is created when a certain number of qualifying donations have been made.
Want to add a challenge opportunity to your Giving Day campaign? Follow this step-by-step article!
Matches & Challenges Make A Difference!
Having a match or challenge incentives donors to give more to "unlock" extra funds for your nonprofit. On average, having a matching opportunity increases a donor's likelihood to give by 22% and increases gift amounts by 19%.
These are also great opportunities for local partners or major donors. It allows them to give at a higher level and gain recognition for their contributions. Learn more about soliciting these gifts on our blog!
Questions? Reach out to us using the blue chat bubble to learn more!
βNote: GiveGab does not collect the matching funds from your sponsor on your behalf. Your nonprofit is responsible for gaining & receiving the funds from the match sponsor.