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How do I reset my password?

Learn how to reset your password if you forget your GiveGab account password

Bekah K. avatar
Written by Bekah K.
Updated over 4 months ago

Step 1: Click "Log In"

When you land on the GiveGab homepage, click “Log In” on the top right corner.

Step 2: Click "Forgot your password?"

Once you click “Log In” this window will appear. To reset your password click where it says, “Forgot your password?”

Step 3: Enter Your Email Address

Once you click “Forgot your password?” you’ll be taken to this password reset page. Enter your email address and click "Reset". You’ll be sent a message with instructions to finish the reset process.

Step 4: Open the email "GiveGab - Reset password instructions"

Check the email you entered in Step 3 for your password reset instructions. Open the email and select the "Reset Password" button enclosed.

If you don't see the email in your inbox, be sure to check your spam/junk folder.

Step 5: Create your new password

When setting your new password, be sure to keep in mind the password requirements:

  • Must have 8 characters

  • Must include a letter

  • Must include a number

  • Must include a special character (# $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? _ !)

Once you type your new password, type it again in the "Confirm Password" box to ensure you didn't make any mistakes. Then, finish changing your password by clicking "Change my password".

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