Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements are frequently updated by financial service regulators, card networks, and other financial institutions.
Recent updates require additional information about Organization Representatives to be verified through Stripe, therefore, GiveGab.
Payment regulations like these aim to create a safer, more secure financial ecosystem by helping prevent crimes, including money laundering, fraud, and tax evasion. New organizations will be prompted to provide this additional information through our regular verification process.
Previously verified organizations with outstanding requirements must provide this information to have their verification status reinstated.
Newly Required Information
Going forward, all Organization Representatives must provide the following information if they have not already:
full Social Security Number (SSN) or government-issued ID
full Legal Name
personal address
E-mail Address
Phone Number
Business Website
Communication Plan
E-mails are sent twice a week once Registration opens through your Giving Day.
E-mails are typically sent on Mondays and Wednesdays and include a link to the organization's bank account page where these updates can be made.
Tips/Best Practices
When entering details through the portal, we recommend that organization admins not click back into the form once it has been submitted. It can take a few minutes for the updates to process, and re-clicking the 'Update Required Information' button will reset the Organization Representative to information, which will need to be re-entered.
If verification takes longer than a few minutes, we recommend reaching out to our Support team via the blue chat bubble.
We encourage you and your team to forward any questions you may receive about this process to GiveGab's support team at support@givegab.com.