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How do I edit my personal profile?

Learn how to edit your personal profile on GiveGab!

Bekah K. avatar
Written by Bekah K.
Updated over 5 months ago

Step 1: Navigate to your Personal Settings page

To edit your personal profile information, click on your profile image in the top right corner of the page. Select “Personal Settings” from the drop down menu.

Step 2: Edit Your Personal Information

Once you click “Personal Settings” you’ll be able to edit your personal information as well as your privacy settings. Click “Save” when you finish editing to save your changes!

Step 2a: Edit your P2P fundraiser slug

Here is also where you can edit the "slug" that appears at the end of your Peer-to-Peer campaigns! You can change your slug from your name to something like "noelles-giving-day-fundraiser" or "mrs-smiths-5th-grade-class" to better represent your Peer-to-Peer fundraising campaign to donors!

Note: No two users on GiveGab can have the same slug, so if you are met with an error message, someone may already be using that slug on the site! Add a number or an extra symbol to differentiate yours from theirs.

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