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What are the different site phases?

Learn what the different site phases are used for.

Katrina Grein-Topken avatar
Written by Katrina Grein-Topken
Updated over 8 months ago

The landing page for the giving day site can be in only one of the following phases at any given time. Only your Project Manager has the ability to change the landing page into a different phase, however, the schedule of phase changes is something that you and your Project Manager will discuss and come up with a plan for together. (i.e., when you would like registration to close, if applicable; when you would like to be in the giving phase with donations and stats enabled; etc.)

Your ability to edit the Landing Page Builder for each phase does not change the site into the respective phase that you edit. For example, if the site is in the registration phase, you can use the Landing Page Builder to edit the layout and contents of the landing page in the “giving” phase, but once you have saved your edits the site will remain in the registration phase until your Project Manager changes it to the giving phase.

  • Registration - this phase is used to allow organizations to sign themselves up for the giving day. The call-to-action button in the Hero section, when enabled, will link directly to the registration process. The text for that button can only be changed by the PM.

  • Pre-Giving - this phase is used in the period of time after registration has closed for the giving day, if applicable, and before donations are open for the giving day (also known as the Save the Date phase). Stats will not be displayed in this phase and the call-to-action button in the Hero section will link to the search page if the giving day has multiple organizations or areas registered for it, and directly to the donation form for giving days that do not have multiple organizations or areas. However, upon reaching the donation form, the user will be prompted with a message that donations are not yet open and to come back on the date that they do open. The text on the call-to-action button can be changed under the Site Copy tab of the partner dashboard, under Giving Landing Page.

  • Giving - this phase is used when donations are enabled and stats are on! The call-to-action button in the Hero section will link to the search page if the giving day has multiple organizations or areas registered for it, and directly to the donation form for giving days that do not have multiple organizations or areas. The text on the call-to-action button can be changed under the Site Copy tab of the partner dashboard, under Giving Landing Page.

  • Success - this phase is typically used when donations have closed. However, the site can go into the success phase with donations still on, so the best description for when to use this phase is after the main window of giving is over. Stats for the giving day, if enabled, will show in a table in the Hero section and the call-to-action button will disappear.

  • Every day - this phase is only used for specific giving day sites that are used for year-round fundraising rather than an actual giving day. Please disregard this phase, but if you have any questions, certainly feel free to ask your PM.

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