Giving Day partners can report the use of Donor Advised Funds (DAFs), and manage them via their Giving Day dashboard.
Under the "Donations" dropdown in the sidebar, select "Donation Report". On the "Donations" page, click the "Actions" button, then select "Upload Offline Donations". This provides you the ability to upload a CSV of DAF donations/gifts. There are three columns associated with DAFs in your CSV upload: One to declare whether a donation is a DAF, one column for the Fund Name, and one column for Fund Number.
Uploaded gifts that are not released immediately, will automatically be set to "Pending". Only released DAFs will show in the donations dashboard of nonprofits, and count in the stats for a giving day.
To edit the status of DAF gifts, click the "Actions" button on the "Donations" page, then select "Update DAF Status". Now, choose the DAF donations you would like to release.