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How do I tell my story for a Giving Day?

Captivate your supporters and donors with a telling story about your organization.

Gwendolyn Bobst avatar
Written by Gwendolyn Bobst
Updated over a week ago

Step 1: Navigate to your Giving Day Dashboard

From the “Home” tab of your Admin Dashboard on, click on the name of your Giving Day from the Giving Day banner highlighted below.

Step 2: Expand the "Add Your Story" Section

From the Giving Day dashboard, click "Add Your Story" to open the editor.

Step 3: Tell Your Story

While in your story editor, there are several things to do to impact your donor base with your story. Here are the options:

(1) Set a dollar goal. We find that organizations with a goal tend to raise 14% more than organizations that opt to hide the goal.
(2) If your organization does not have a goal to share, leave this box unchecked.
(3) Add a cover photo to your profile. This will be the largest image on your profile, and will be the first thing that donors see when visiting it.
(4) Add your story to your profile to tell your donors all about your organization, what you do, how you do it, and what you need to do it. Feel free to include as many details as you would like, including what you intend to do with the funds raised. You can also add pictures to your story, and the more pictures, the better.
(5) Add a video to your story. Paste the link directly into the "Video URL" field.

(6) Search Keywords. This functionality optimizes search results on the campaign website. Add terms relevant to your org that are not captured in your story, name, or selected causes, as keywords for this organization. Example: dog rehoming, foster, senior cats
(7) Save your progress. Your dashboard editor does not auto-save, so any changes you make will need to be manually saved before you leave the page.

For a step-by-step walkthrough on how to formulate the best story for your organization, check out this support article!

Step 3 1/2: Mastering Your Storytelling

You can add as much or as little detail as you would like to your story, but organizations such as your own will find more success if you focus on one person, campaign, or program in your story. Including graphics and statistics that support this one focus of your story will enhance your impact on your donors.

When working on your story itself, there are many things you can do with it. Here is a walkthrough of all of the options available to you (buttons are listed from left to right): 

Fonts: Here you can choose a font from a predetermined selection such as Arial, Comic Sans MS, Times New Roman, and Verdana.

Formatting: Change the size of your text.

Font Colors: Edit your font to be one of 48 different colors.

Font Styles: Make your font stand out with bold, put emphasis on it with italicizing, maybe even make your point with an underline. Additionally, if you have copy and pasted your text off of a website, you can clear the formatting off of it with the wand.

Paragraph Styles: Choose the alignment of your text, left, right, center, or block alignment. You can also indent or outdent paragraphs.

Lists: Outline contact information, or a priority list for your organization with bullet points or a numbered list.

Inserts: Add an image or two to your story, or embed a hyperlink to your website. You can also create a table or add some space to your story with a horizontal rule.

Miscellaneous: Make your editor larger, enter the HTML code view, or undo or even redo some previous steps.

Expanded View: Clicking this will either hide or show the inserts and miscellaneous button options.

Step 4: Keep Your Profile Accessible

By properly formatting your text size and colors in the "Add Your Story" section of your profile, you can help keep your profile a

ccessible. Check out our 3 step support article for tips on how to maintain accessibility on your profile: How can I ensure my GiveGab profile content is accessible?

Step 5: Checking Your Work

Once you have entered in your story, and built out your profile, it is time to view it. From the Share Your Page box, click "View Your Page" to be taken to your giving day profile.

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