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How can I ensure my GiveGab profile content is accessible?

By formatting your content's text size and colors, you can help keep your profile accessible.

Katrina Grein-Topken avatar
Written by Katrina Grein-Topken
Updated over 9 months ago

To best ensure that your organization's profile is accessible for everyone, we recommend that you follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA. In this article, we'll be discussing various aspects of the WCAG that relate to the text in your profile, whether it be on your Giving Day profile, or a campaign or event that your organization is running.

If you'd like to read the article that goes into the media, images, and videos portion of your profile more in-depth, please click here.

For more resources on accessibility in general, please visit our summary article here.

How to ensure your profile is accessible

1. Check your Color Contrast

  • You should use dark colors that match 4.5:1 contrast ratio. You can check your color contrast here.

  • Copied and pasted text may retain the same background color as the source. As such, you should avoid copying and pasting text or content, and transcribe it from the original source into the GiveGab site.

  • he default background color in our old Giving Day profiles is #F8F9FA, and for campaigns, events, and new Giving Day profiles, it is #FFFFFF.If you maintain the background color, ensure your text contrasts well with either of these colors, depending on the product you are using. If you are unsure on what product you are using, please feel free to reach out to us through the chat bubble!

Below is an example from a profile that is accessible and has good color contrast.

An acceptable text color that contrasts well to the background color.

Below is an example of a profile that is not accessible and has poor color contrast.

An unacceptable text color that does not contrast well to the background color.

Note: Note: If you are having difficulties correcting the colors of your text, please reach out to us through chat or by email at, and we will be happy to help.

2. Include descriptions and captions

  • All images and GIFs should have captions describing what is happening, along with alternative text.

  • All videos should have subtitles or captions.

Note: If you are having difficulties adding captions or subtitles to your media, please visit our article that delves into these points in more details here.

3. Ensure all linked sites are accessible as well

  • While GiveGab strives to make our site accessible and encourages organizations like yours to have accessible content as well, we cannot control what the content of other sites are. If you link another page to your profile, first check if that page follows WCAG.

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