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How do I deplete a Match or Challenge for my campaign?

Learn how to deplete remaining funds of a Match or Challenge for your campaign!

Katrina Grein-Topken avatar
Written by Katrina Grein-Topken
Updated over a week ago

Step 1: Navigate to your Admin Dashboard

If your home page is not your Admin Dashboard, click on the drop-down box at the bottom of the screen next to 'Viewing Dashboard For' to view a list of organizations that you are an administrator for. Click on the name of the organization that you would like to access.

Step 2: Navigate to your Fundraising Campaign Editor

From the 'Fundraising Campaigns' tab of your Admin Dashboard, click the 'Edit' button within the campaign that you are looking to access.

Step 3: Deplete Your Existing Match or Challenge

Navigate to the 'Matching' tab, on the left-hand side of your campaign editor. Locate the Match or Challenge that you would like to deplete.

Step 3a: Depleting Your Match

To deplete a Match, click the 'Deplete Match' button on the Match you are updating, as highlighted in the screenshot below:

Once you click this button, you will see a window asking you to confirm that you would like to have all remaining funds applied as an offline donation. Click 'OK' & the match will be depleted and no longer active on your campaign.

Step 3b: Depleting Your Challenge

If you would like to "deplete" a match before it has technically been completed, you can force it to trigger by adjusting the Challenge Goal to one that has already been met. For example, if the original challenge was to raise $500 but you would like to "complete" it after only raising $360, you could change the Challenge Goal to $350 in order to trigger the Challenge to complete and release the funds associated to your organization.

You may also choose to Archive your Challenge to mark it as Inactive and prevent it from appearing in future fundraising.

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