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Expand your giving day reach with Peer-to-Peer Fundraisers

Learn how to acquire new donors and reach a new network with peer-to-peer fundraising

Bekah K. avatar
Written by Bekah K.
Updated over a week ago

What is Peer-to-Peer Fundraising?

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising is a great way to broaden your organization's reach and expand your donor base by utilizing the passionate supporters that you already have. Through peer-to-peer fundraising, your supporters can fundraise on behalf of your organization by creating a “mini-campaign” that champions for your cause. 

Peer-to-Peer fundraisers will have their own personal fundraising page tied to your giving day profile where they can set their own fundraising goal, share their personal story, and can easily manage their page on GiveGab so your best supporters can be your best fundraisers too!

Who can I ask to be a peer-to-peer fundraiser? 

Anyone! Your most passionate supporters make the best fundraisers by sharing their connection to your cause with their network. Reach out to your board members, volunteers, staff members, and top supporters and join you in furthering your mission and bettering your community!

Here are our suggestions of great groups of people that can help you with peer-to-peer fundraising:

  • Board Members

  • Staff Members

  • Dedicated Volunteers

  • Low-capacity Donors

  • Major Donors who have Already Given

  • Friends and Family

Why should I use peer-to-peer fundraising?

The main draw of peer-to-peer fundraising is that it can really expand your reach to a new network - we've found on GiveGab that on average, a peer-to-peer fundraiser brings in 4 new donors per campaign! 

Beyond that, peer-to-peer fundraising can increase the average number of donations you receive and it's a great way to engage with your supporters beyond asking them to donate.

Motivating Your Fundraisers

Your Giving Day profile has a built in Fundraiser Leaderboard, so use that to your fundraising advantage! Look at these Fundraisers go!

Motivating your fundraisers can be as simple as holding a contest to incite some friendly competition between your fundraisers. At the end of your giving day, award the fundraiser that raised the most, or brought in the most new donors, with a prize:

  • Movie Tickets

  • Gift Cards

  • Branded “Swag” from your Nonprofit

  • Matching Opportunities

  • Organization Membership

Or anything else you can think of!

Inviting Your Fundraisers

You can invite your supporters to fundraise on your behalf - but before you do, make sure your fundraisers know you're sending them an invite. 

As soon as you invite those fundraisers, a fundraising page will be created for them, as well as login information. It's important that your fundraisers agree to become fundraisers before you officially invite them.

Check out all the great resources your fundraisers will have in GiveGab's Fundraising Champion Dashboard! 

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