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How do I edit organization registration responses?

As a Giving Day Partner, you have the ability to update any participating organization's registration survey response. Learn how here!

Katrina Grein-Topken avatar
Written by Katrina Grein-Topken
Updated over 4 months ago

Note: This article is written for Giving Day hosts. If you are a participant or supporter of a Giving Day, this article may not pertain to your efforts.

Step 1: Navigate to your Partner Dashboard

Log in to and navigate to your Partner Dashboard by clicking on your Giving Day.

Step 2: Navigate to the Organization's Dashboard

Select "Manage Organizations" then click on "View Organizations" from the sidebar. Once on the "Organizations" page, you'll want to find the organization whose dashboard you need to access for editing. You can do that using the search field.

Step 3: Navigate to an organization's registration survey responses

Once on the "Organizations" page, you'll want to find the organization whose registration survey you need to access for editing. You can do that using the search field. From there, select the clipboard icon next to that organization's record, and you'll be directed to their Giving Day registration survey.

Step 4: Edit an organization's survey response

Once you've selected the clipboard icon, you'll be able to edit the responses for any of the questions that they've answered in their registration survey. Once you're done making any necessary updates, be sure to select the blue "Update" button.

Step 5: Navigate back to your Partner Dashboard

Once you're done making any necessary edits, navigate back to your Partner Dashboard by selecting the option to go Back to your Giving Day in the upper left-hand corner of the page.

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