Step 1: Navigate to Your Admin Dashboard
If your home page is not your Admin Dashboard, click on the drop down box at the bottom of the screen next to “Viewing Dashboard For” to view a list of organizations that you are an administrator for. Click on the name of your organization you’d like to access.
Step 2: Navigate to Your Fundraising Event Manager
From your Admin Dashboard, click the "Events" tab. From there, click the "Manage” button within the event you’re looking to access.
Step 3: Register Your Participant
Navigate to the "Registrants" tab the within the Event Manager.
Then click the "Register a Participant" button.
From there, you'll be directed to the registration form you've created for all participants of your event. Here you can enter in the information of your offline registrant.
The only additional information that's needed for an offline registrant is the payment method and an offline donation option.
If you'd like an offline donation created automatically for the amount specified for the registration type selected, make sure that the box next to payment method is checked. Once you've completed the form, click "Save", and the registrant's information will be available in your registration report.