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How do I edit and view my peer-to-peer fundraiser's profile for my Giving Day?

Edit and customize your organization's peer-to-peer fundraiser's profiles for your Giving Day

Ariana Hardwick-Jones avatar
Written by Ariana Hardwick-Jones
Updated over a week ago

Step 1: Navigate to Your Admin Dashboard

If your home page is not your admin dashboard, click on the drop down box at the bottom of the screen next to “Viewing Dashboard For” to view a list of organizations that you are an administrator for. Click on the name of your organization you’d like to access.

Step 2: Navigate to Your Giving Day Dashboard

From the “Home” tab of your Admin Dashboard on, click on the name of your Giving Day from the Giving Day banner highlighted below. 

Step 3: Edit Your Fundraiser Profiles

From the "Add Fundraisers" Tab of your "Giving Day Dashboard" click the Pencil Icon under the "Actions" Column next to the fundraiser's name to edit their profile.

After clicking the Pencil Icon, you'll be directed to this page here: 

From your "Fundraiser's Toolkit" you'll be able to edit and manage several elements of your fundraiser's profile page:

  1. Campaign Name: If you'd like your page name to be something other than your first and last name, you'll enter that here.

  2. Your Story Image: Here you can add a photo of your fundraiser volunteering, attending an event, or anything else that speaks to your Giving Day's mission!

  3. Tell Your Story: Here is where you can add a personal story of why your fundraiser is supporting your cause, or add a more general message for all of your fundraisers.

  4. Set A Goal: Here you can customize your fundraiser's monetary goal that will appear on their fundraising pages.

  5. Video Link: Instead of an image, you can also choose to embed a YouTube or Vimeo video right on your fundraiser's profile.

  6. Provide a Phone Number: This step is optional, but a fundraiser can choose to provide a phone number so that they can easily be contacted by the administrators. This information is only ever shared with the administrators of the organization.

Once you've finished customizing your fundraiser's profile click the "Save Changes" button and your fundraiser's profile will automatically reflect the changes you've made!

To view your now customized peer-to-peer fundraising page that you will share with potential donors, you can either:

Click on your name from the "Add Fundraisers" Tab of your "Giving Day Dashboard":

     Copy the URL from your "Fundraiser's Toolkit" and Paste it in a new tab or window:

Happy editing and sharing!

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