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How do I award a prize?

Learn how to award a prize to a prize winner on your Giving Day!

Katrina Grein-Topken avatar
Written by Katrina Grein-Topken
Updated over 3 months ago

Note: This article is written for Giving Day hosts. If you are a participant or supporter of a Giving Day, this article may not pertain to your efforts.

Step 1: Navigate to your Partner Dashboard.

You can easily access your Partner Dashboard through your Personal Dashboard. Once logged into GiveGab, select the Partner Dashboard you want to manage.

Step 2: Click on the "Prizes" page.

The "Prizes" page is located under the "Engagement Tools" dropdown in the sidebar.

Step 3: Select the prize winners you'd like to award.

Scroll down to the Prize Winners section of the Prizes page. Then, find the prize you'd like to award, and click the corresponding "Add Winner" button.

Step 4: Select the organization that should win the prize.

There are two different options for selecting the organization that should be awarded the prize:

a. If your prize winner has to be identified manually and you know the winning organization, simply use the "Search for Winning Organization" dropdown menu to locate and select the organization. When designating the prize winner, you can also add descriptive text. This text is especially helpful if you are awarding the prize to multiple winners and need to describe why the particular award was won.

b. If your prize criteria is based on Most Donors, Most Dollars, or Random, click the "Get Suggestions" button to open up a dropdown which will provide suggestions on who should win the prize based on the criteria you selected when initially setting up the prize.

This will open a dropdown in which you can enter in specific criteria to scope the suggestions, including a timeframe, a profile type, and an option to include or exclude offline gifts from being eligible to count towards the prize. Once you have scoped your criteria, click the blue "Suggest Winners" button to view the suggested winners.

If you'd like to use one of these suggestions, click the "Select Winner" button to the right of the suggested organization. This will populate the organization's information in the "Search for Winning Organization" field.

Step 5: Save the winner.

Once you have filled in the winning organization, click the "Save" button to save your winner.

Step 6: Head to your Prize page.

If you'd like to review your changes, open up your Giving Day's Prize page to take a look at the new winner.

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